Staying Home During The Ice Storms

I live in a part of the country that gets snow during the winter season, so I’m use to living with ice and snow.  But the latest storms is something that I don’t remember seeing in a long time!  The amount of freezing rain that we received is incredible.  My entire yard looks like a block of ice!

I looked out the window this morning and my garbage can, along with all the neighbor’s trash cans, have slipped into the road.  This is new, I don’t remember this happening before!

So the question is should I go to work or stay home?

I’ve heard from those brave souls that drove into work earlier that the main highways aren’t that bad.  As I look out my window, my road has about a 3 to 4 inch layer of ice though.  The city schools where I live have all been closed.

Normally, I would just telecommute to work for the entire day, but I have some important meetings that I need to attend at the end of the workday.  Yes, I could just dial into a conference call for those meetings, but I would like to see the visuals associated with the meeting.

So what I decided to do is connect remotely for the morning, then go in later, possible after lunch.  I do this for the following reasons:

  • This give the plow and salt trucks a chance to clear the roads well.
  • the temperature is over freezing, and by staying home, I make sure the plows get my road before the water starts to freeze again.
  • This give the opportunity for other to get to work before me, just to make sure the roads are good from the perspective of someone who live where I live!
  • I get to say good morning to my kids before I leave (usually I don’t get this option).
  • Give the facilities people the chance to make sure all the walking surface to the building are well salted.
  • Gives me the chance to watch the weather channel and local news to make sure all it well and will stay well.

When you have the option to telecommute on bad winter days, sometimes it’s worth thinking through all the choices.

From a financial perspective, it’s worth considering to telecommuting on bad winter days because of the cost that could result from an accident or the dangers to your health from injury slipping on the ice, etc.


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19 thoughts on “Staying Home During The Ice Storms

  1. The great ice storm missed us! I hope you don’t get stuck in a six hour commute. There are stories of DC Metro residents being stuck for 12+ hours because roads were completely shut down due to fallen trees and lines last week.

    I also heard that if the roads are declared emergency vehicles only your car insurance will not cover any damages if you were out driving. Not sure if it’s true but makes sense. I should check with my insurance provider.

    • Wow, that’s pretty harsh of the insurance companies!

      Unfortunately, I didn’t make it into work… I constantly took calls, so I never got a chance…

  2. If you do go in later, drive safely! I live on the opposite end of the country, so we don’t get much terrible weather. However, when it rains (even sprinkles) people drive nutty. Sometimes it’s just not worth driving in. 😉

  3. I always go through this process when I am sick. Am I too sick to be productive? My employer expects me to be 100%. If I am not, I should stay home. If it is unsafe to travel, I should not do it.

    • Yeah, it would have been, but unfortunately everything went wrong at work and I was constantly on the phone with people… I even worked through lunch.

  4. Much rather would have snow over ice. Ice sucks. We got 14″ of snow here in NE Oklahoma. About threw a rod shoveling out the driveway. Good for you deciding to stay home if that’s an option. No sense in taking a chance if you don’t have to.

    • Wow, I know what you mean, I just finished breaking the ice out of my driveway (well actually I just did a little at the end of the driveway), and I’m exhausted… I’ll sleep well tonight!

  5. So glad I take the subway to work…

    A decade and a couple years ago we had that huge ice storm that knocked out power for a week or more. That was pretty interesting!

  6. I have been home with the kids for 3 days….no work, no paycheck! I planned on going in on Tuesday, and was sitting in the car waiting for it to warm up when my boss called and said stay home.

    I can’t telecommute.

    We have gotten about 85 inches of ice and snow this season. Buildings are collapsing less than a mile away. Numerous accidents. It is insane!

    • Wow, that is rough! I saw a video online where a building collapsed in on itself from the weight of the snow on the roof.

      I hope it gets better in your area soon!

  7. I work from home now, so I don’t get the choice to “stay home” on snow days anymore. 🙁 However, as I live 20 miles away from town, if I had two to three inches of ice in my driveway, going to town wouldn’t even cross my mind! You are one dedicated worker! I’m glad in the end you decided to work from home part of the day. Sometimes the worth really isn’t worth the cost.

    • Thanks, I ended up staying home instead of going in at all. I’m just as productive at home as I am driving in.

      Heck, I think I might even be more productive at home!

      It’s awesome you are able to work at home all the time!

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