Adsense Blogging Goal Met For The Year!

My secret Adsense goal for this year was to have my blog earn over $100 in 1 month via Adsense.



I’m happy to announce that I met this goal this past August with just a few cents over $100.  Next month, I probably won’t hit $100, but that’s okay because it wasn’t part of my goal.

This seemed like a stretch goal for me because for the first 5 months after starting my blog (almost 2 years ago), I only made 5 dollars.  To be fair, I didn’t even run Adsense for the first 2 months though.

So to celebration, on the way home from my day job, I got some food at a pulled pork place and bought myself an ice cream cone (mint chocolate) at the ice cream shop next door.  Not a big celebration, but it was nice to celebrate the goal accomplishment in some manner.

My Adsense goal for next year will be to earn $150 in 1 month.  Nothing over the top, but respectable.  Actually I have a financial range for next year.  I really want to hit between $150 to $200 per month.  So at a minimum, I would like to hit $150, but really if by some miracle I passed the $200 mark, that would be a much bigger celebration.

To some these goal might seem trivial and they are right, they are trivial to a certain extent, but I find that little milestones on financial goals work best for me.  I used financial milestones in paying off my mortgage, and to help motivate me to contribute and grow my 401k balance.  Financial milestones/goals really do make a difference!

So am I going to become a full-time blogger next year?  No way, I don’t expect this blog to ever make enough money to stop working my day job.  But as a hobby that provides an alternative money stream, blogging is great!

Would I like to blog or do online businesses full-time some day?  Yes, but that’s a long ways off.

Thanks for joining my in my goal accomplishment for my blog for the year.

Have a great weekend,



24 thoughts on “Adsense Blogging Goal Met For The Year!

  1. Being a blogger that runs adsense myself I know how hard it is to get that kinda cash out of adsense. I am happy right now with $100 a year from my blogs. Its all for fun and if I make some extra cash from it then great.

    You must be pulling in some great traffic per month to be getting that kinda turn around in one month from adsense.

    Congrats on you goal.

    • It’s all about fun and the sharing of information.

      I haven’t really been focused on Adsense until lately. I know a lot of bloggers make a lot more with adsense than the amount I make. To me it has become a benchmark of sorts.

  2. Congratulations. That is quite an accomplishment and is a goal that I share with you. I am thinking that it will take me until next year sometime to make $100 in a single month. It is nice to know that others can do it as hobby income and not just full-timers.

  3. Congrats on meeting your goal! Don’t sell yourself short though, you never know what kind of monetary amount you may be able to hit unless you shoot for it.

    • Thanks Glen!

      I’m having fun (most of the time, although some nights I’m stumped).

      It’s a lot easier to do when it’s a fun process, hopefully I’ll be able to make it grow 🙂

      Thanks for the encouragement!

  4. Congrats on hitting your goal! Trivial to those who don’t blog, but hitting $100/month is pretty big in my book. Way to reward yourself. Too often we forget and start moving to the next task. Have to remember to enjoy the minor victories along the way!

    • Thanks Jin, you’re great!

      You’re blog is one of the few that I visit frequently that isn’t financial related or a Yakezie site. You’re writing is great and I really like that you share part of our life with us online 🙂

    • Congratulations! on your first $100, it was exciting when I got my first $100!

      I wasted months not doing the right things at the beginning, joining the Yakezie was my one smart move…

  5. I am jealous M.R. – I only pulled in like 60 in August, great job!

    Mint chocolate chip is my favorite ice cream. Nothing like it from Baskin Robbins on a hot summer night.

    Keep accomplishing those goals my friend, and next thing you know, you might find yourself in your dream job!

    • Thanks, I’m not looking at any 2nd homes yet though… 🙂

      Mint chocolate chip is interesting for me. For years (since I was a kid), the simple chocolate and vanilla twist was my favorite, but the I noticed that my daughter kept getting mint and chocolate chip everytime we would go to get some ice cream. On a whim, I tried it one day, and now it’s my favorite too. Can’t get enough of that stuff!!!

      Thanks for the encouragement, hopefully we’ll both be in the blog world for a long time, perhaps it defines us a bit? 🙂

    • Very nice! I’m not sure if I can match your record, since this month is already off to a bad start, and I had a few very high days last month. I’ll keep my fingers cross!

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