About Money Reasons

A offbeat personal finance blogger that comes from the tech world.

Cheap Workout Sunday Report 11

I was really late on this!  I didn’t workout Sunday or Monday, but on Tuesday!!!  I didn’t feel like my body was ready until Tuesday…

I’m feeling a little off today with an upset stomach, my left knee hurts still, so I’m dropping off the last two exercises that I normally would do.  Seems like a bad week, but I’m kind of desperate this week…

These last few months I decided not to aggressively try to lose weight and instead I focused on gaining strength.  While I wasn’t trying to maintain a steady weight, for that most part that is what has happened, but now I’m ready to slim down.

Since I want to slim down, I’m going to keep working out with weights, but at the same time focus more on weight loss than strength gains.  Since I had one strength goal left for the year (bench press 250 for 1 rep), I decided to alter my plans this week and go for it.  I wish I would have went for 255 instead because the 250 lbs weight meant that I had to break out the 2 1/2 lbs weights to make the amount 250 lbs…  That felt weird…

This week was my big gamble to try to tap out on my strength goals for this year, so I could downshift to my weight loss goal from now on.

  • Bench (I think I need to slow down on this, but it hard to do so):
    • 45 lbs –   8 reps – just a warmup stretch.
    • 135 lbs – 8 reps (easy set, but my arms are a little sore)
    • 185 lbs – 6 reps (easy set, but felt it both in my arms and chest a little, but still felt strong)
    • 205 lbs – 6 reps (Trying something different this week, the 6 reps I did felt easy)
    • 225 lbs – 5 reps (Almost got a 6th rep too, but had my son help me get past the sticking point, so really on 5 on my own)
    • 250 lbs – 1 rep (heavy for me, but felt pretty good overall, let out a struggling growl during the rep, good set).
    • 165 lbs – 8 reps (warm down set, good set with good form, but I’m pretty shot from the last set.)
    • * I’m purposely dropping the reps on my set to 6 just so I can do more heavy sets, esp for my 225 set.
  • Curls (Arms are sore today…)

    • 25 lbs – for 8 reps
    • 35 lbs – for 8 reps
    • 45 lbs – for 8 reps. (left arm hurts in at the elbow.)
  • Rows (skipped this week, left knee hurt)
  • “No weights” squats (skipped this week, left knee hurt)
    • Skipped the 2 set of “no weight” squats for 10 reps each this week.  Left knee hurt a bit this week.
  • Goals
    • All strength goals have been met for the year.

I was very surprised how quickly my strength came back in this 11th week.  Not too bad for a bit over 3 months of working out.  I’ll probably add a “Weight Loss” Tracking Topic on my next report.



Cheap Workout Sunday Report 10

Okay, this past week was weird in every sense.  First my triceps were feeling really odd.  The best phrase I could use to describe the feeling was a guitar string being twang every 5 minutes.  That was Wednesday and Thursday of last week…

While my body didn’t hurt like the past weeks, my chest muscles (pecs) were pretty tender (especially the right side), and my right tri actually hurt a little when I touched it (this was very weird!).  So I approached this workout session with some trepidation about hurting myself because I’m moving too quickly in fairly quick strength gains.  But it’s so hard not to keep the progress rolling, so I pushed it a bit today too!

  • Bench (seems like I’m consistently gaining):
    • 45 lbs –   8 reps – I still like to do a quick set with the bar just to get loose.
    • 135 lbs – 8 reps, I use this set to gauge how my arms and chest feel.  The felt tender a bit, but strong enough.
    • 185 lbs –  6 reps (This level has been defeated and now I reduced the number to 6 reps instead of 8).
    • 205 lbs –  10 reps (I’ve met this goal and now I’ll back it back to 8 reps and then eventually 6 once I’m stronger)
    • 225 lbs –  4 rep (reps weren’t bad today, if I pushed it, I possible could have handle 1 more rep, but why go to the point of injury.)
    • 165 lbs – warm down set (6 reps, surprisingly not easy, and I definitely felt it in my right pec.)
  • Curls (felt better today)

    • 25 lbs – for 8 reps
    • 35 lbs – for 8 reps
    • 50 lbs – for 4 reps. (my left arm is weaker than my right arm, but heavy for both arms.)
  • Rows (wimped out here, again.  These really zap my remaining strength)

    • 135 lbs – 1 set of 8 reps,
    • 155 lbs – 1 set of 6 reps.
  • “No weights” squats
    • Skipped the 2 set of “no weight” squats for 10 reps each this week.  Left knee hurt a bit this week.
  • Goals
    • I still continue to grow stronger, I don’t know if I’ll try to bench 250 this year or not.  As I said before, I probably can do it now, but why risk injury…  I’m starting to think I should wait until I can press 225 for at least 8 reps.
    • My weight loss has stopped since I’m concentrating on strength and muscle gain.  I haven’t gain any extra weight either and I’m keeping my weight to a 5 pound range of variance.

It was a good week for gaining strength, but I really need to slow down my gains.  After all, there is no rush for it…




Is OPEC Giving the World a Stealth Stimulus Package and Other Considerations

Before I begin, let me define what the acronym OPEC stands for…  OPEC stands for “Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries” and represents mostly the middle eastern countries, but also outliers countries like Venezuela.

At the last OPEC meeting (11/27/2014), OPEC decided not to cut oil production and for many countries the decision was kind of like a stealth stimulus package.  When oil is cheaper, that means goods are cheaper and people send more!  I know personally with falling gas prices, I’m less worried about driving too much than I was a few months ago.  Over the next few months, ideally goods (things we consume) should not have any near term prices increases since goods are cheaper to produce because of cheap energy.  The biggest benefactor would be China in my opinion though.

How the OPEC non-cut affects the United States:

In my laymen logic, I think that with OPEC not cutting oil production,is a small stimulus like package for the United States too.  Now the OPEC ideology of not cutting production is that such an action will destroy the United States shale oil business as the price of cheaper extraction oil from the middle east/gulf area will become cheaper than it cost to extract the oil from shale.  Personally, I think there is some missing logic to consider.  For one, even if many of the shale oil companies go belly-up, the shale oil resources will still be there!  In fact, once oil prices return, I’m sure companies (the same or different) will start extracting new shale oil again in the future.  Basically, the shale oil resources can pretty much create a somewhat permanent cap to future oil prices.

In the mean time, we the US consumers will benefit from the cheaper oil prices.  Non-oil related companies should see margins increase as their cost of goods sold decreased correspondingly.  That said, oil related companies may suffer a bit from the lower oil prices, but hopefully the benefits will outweigh the negatives.

Other country considerations:

Countries that are oil based should be adversely affected by the decreased prices of oil.  So countries like Russia, Iran, Venezuela and others should feel a small ding in their economies.

Renewable energies will be affected because of cheap oil.  But that too, should be a temporary ding I would hope.  Solar Energy is the most interesting in my opinion because the efficiency of the solar panels continues to increase creating a scenario where the cost of solar energy continues to become cheaper with such an increase in the efficiency improvements of the solar cells.

Will Oil become obsolete?

Petroleum is used to make plastic good too, so more than likely petroleum will not because obsolete entirely, but as renewable energy continues to make an impact on fossil fuel energy consumption, the rate of consumption of oil should and could stall.  So oil will not become obsolete, but maybe it will start to converge in the next 10 to 20 years to a static or declining consumption level.

The above is just me thinking out loud.  Well see how the Saudi’s gamble turns out (Saudis are the primary pusher for not cutting oil production).  I’m in no way an energy expert, but some of the topics I mention above seems both possible and logical, no?




Cheap Workout Sunday Report 9

Not much to say today, my accomplishments were good, but hard and heavy for me.  We’ll see next week how it goes.

  • Bench:
    • 45 lbs –   Truly a warmup set now.
    • 135 lbs – 8 reps, this is pretty much a warmup set now too.
    • 185 lbs –  8 reps (not too bad, pretty easy).
    • 205 lbs –  9 reps (met my goal, but tired for 10 and failed… but still good)
    • 225 lbs –  3 rep (I got three reps, but the third one was really hard!)
    • 165 lbs – warm down set (8 reps, very easy.)
  • Curls (I’ve decided to take it easy with curling, no rush)

    • 25 lbs – for 8 reps
    • 35 lbs – for 8 reps
    • 45 lbs – for 8 reps. (my left arm is weaker than my right arm.)
  • Rows (wimped out here too)

    • 135 lbs – 1 set of 8 reps,
    • 155 lbs – 1 set of 6 reps.
  • No weight squats
    • 2 set of no weight squats for 10 reps each.  Much easier today than previously.
  • Goals
    • I continue to grow stronger, and while I’m pretty sure I could get 250 if I tried, I would like to get 225 for 4 or 5 reps first.  It will be a bit harder than I thought I would be.  We’ll see…
    • My weight loss has stopped.

It was a good week overall, I made new gains in both the upper weight classes in bench, so this week was very good!