About Money Reasons

A offbeat personal finance blogger that comes from the tech world.

Does Sampling A Vacation Make Financial Sense?

Have you ever paid big buck for a vacation, only to get to the location and realize that it was terribly overrated and overpriced?  The vacation would end up being a horribly expensive experience because you packed up the entire family and flew them to the location, only to be disappointed and much poorer?

Sampling Vacation

If so, then perhaps a Sampling Vacation would work better for you?  In a sampling vacation you (and maybe a buddy) would go on a vacation (for a few days) to a destination optimizing the fly time and hotel accommodations so that it’s as cheap as possible, especially compared to carting the entire family to the area.  Once there, you can move faster than if you had the entire family with you, and then relatively quickly determine if it’s what you expect or not.  You could even determine what sights you would want the family to see based on your accelerated sampling of the vacation activities and strong points.


Ala Wai Canal


Where did the name Sampling Vacation come from?

A sampling vacation is what a guy from work uses to determine the vacation planning for his family.  You see, five years ago, his wife bought him two weeks of time over in Paris to study under a chef, as a surprise birthday gift.  He went over and enjoy both the class and countryside so much that he took his family (wife and two kids) after they saved up for a few years.  Today, he travels during the cheapest times to a vacation location, to sample the environment for a few days, then determine if both he and his wife want to take the family there or not.  If not, they have a standby locations that they go to and still enjoy, like Hilton Head Island or Disney World.


Palm Trees After Sunset

The only sampling vacations that I have been on, are the ones for blogging conferences and work related trips.  There are a few places out west that I would like to take the family on vacation when my kids are older.

Sunset Surfing


So the real question is, “Are such sampling vacations worth it or a waste of money?”  I know that when I’m on a business trip, it’s definitely worth it since I’m not paying for it on my dime… but the guy I work with, I’m not so sure it is.

For me, I think if I were able to sample a vacation for around $400 or $500, it might be worth it, otherwise I’m sticking to work related paid trips to sample areas for vacations.

Dreaming about vacation already,



Credit Card Fraud Examples

Credit Card Fraud

Credit cards have become more commonly and frequently utilized than paper dollar bills in most places. As you might expect, with the rise of credit cards as the primary medium of exchange has come an enormous increase in the amount and instances of credit card fraud. Five particular cases in particular stand out as the top examples of credit card security failing on an epic scale.


Number 1 Fraud Case – TJX Clothing Retailer

In 2007, the clothes retailer TJX famously announced that a wily hacker had cracked their security and breached their customer database to make off with vital financial records of credit card, check, and debit card store transactions. Over forty-five million customers were negatively impacted by the security failure, leading this to be the single largest case of credit card fraud in history. Although the FBI and police wanted the leak kept quiet while they investigated, rumors reached the press within months. Eleven men were brought to court and charged, and only one pleaded guilty. The online theft occurred as a result of weakness in the clothing store’s wireless system. Almost five years later, these security issues have not been adequately addressed and fixed.


Number 2 Fraud Case – Card Systems Solutions Credit Card Network

The number two instance of credit card fraud impacted forty million different credit cards and their owners in the year 2005. The Card Systems Solutions, headquartered in Arizona, was found guilty in the following investigation of not encrypting its sensitive customer financial data nor adequately protecting its network security system. As a result of the grave debacle, Visa and American Express cut all of their ties to the stricken company, and not surprisingly, it never recovered. Card Systems Solutions was subsequently bought out by Pay By Touch, then shut down later when this new parent company failed to turn their fortunes around as well.


Number 3 Fraud Case – Best Western Hotels

The one time largest hotel chain in the world had the third top case of credit card fraud back in August of 2008. A sneaky hacker cracked the security systems of the Best Western Group’s Internet database and obtained a full year’s worth of hotel guest information. This data included not only visitors’ employers, home addresses, and phone numbers, but also their credit card information that they used to guarantee or to pay for their stays. This data was subsequently sold by the Russian Mafia, reportedly for five million dollars. Eight million people had their identity and credit card information compromised by the fraud.


Number 4 Fraud Case – Charter Pacific Bank

Over two years time, literally millions of credit card holders suffered credit card fraudulent billing when they were invoiced on their credit cards for pornography sites that they never joined or even remotely knew about. Charter Pacific Bank of California sold the credit card numbers to Kenneth Tayes. The bills ran up to a whopping forty-five million dollars. The shocking part of the story is that federal laws of the day did not make it illegal for this bank to sell its customers’ credit card numbers to the highest bidder. Some of these credit cards were company cards too.


Number 5 Fraud Case – 7 Eleven Convenience Store ATM’s

The same perpetrator of the TJX credit card fraud in the first example above managed to successfully practice yet another famous instance of devious credit card fraud. Albert Gonzalez, broke into the 7 Eleven network with the assistance of two Russian hackers who stole the numbers of credit cards and then sent them to the ATM’s of the various stores. With these credit card numbers, they gathered their accompanying PIN’s from the ATM’s, and then they were able to make faked credit cards, using a magstripe writer that banks routinely employed to reprogram credit and debit cards. Though the incidents happened in 2007, the investigators continued to come up with additional examples of this fraud through 2009.

The following was a guest post from the folks at “Compare the Market“.



Best Super Bowl 2012 Commercials And Game Thoughts

The Super Bowl XLVI was a close game as expect, and the Giants won again.

In fact, in many ways it was very similar to their previous Super Bowl match-up.

While it was a fairly entertaining game to watch, I’m still glad I’m at home instead of paying the face value of Super Bowl  XLVI which is $5,000!  I’ve hear that it’s rare that the tickets go for that much though.  Usually they sell closer to 60% of that price…


Super Bowl 2012 Halftime

The half time show was performed by Madonna and was by far one of the most elaborate that I’ve seen in a few years.  She looked incredible, but did lack a certain spring in her dance performance.  Still very much worth watching… and I’m not even that crazy about Madonna songs.


Best Super Bowl 2012 Commercials

Ironically, even though the game was great, my favorite part was watching the Honda’s Matthew Broderick commercial which was a spoof of the movie “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off“.



I have to admit I also like the Toyota commercial too:



Not to be outdone, Acura had a great commercial two with both Leno and Seinfeld. Seems like the car commercials are ruling the Super Bowl commercials this year.


Okay, Enough Commercials, Now Onto Game Thoughts…

At the end when the Giant’s play Ahmad Bradshaw fell backwards over the goal line to make the touchdown was very interesting.  I’m sure the New York coach told him to stop on the 1 yard line, then they would probably have Brandon Jacobs pound it in to make the last touchdown and game winning score after taking most of the time off of the clock.  Instead Bradshaw made for the goal line, but then not meeting any resistance slowed and appeared to stop, but then fell over backwards and made the touchdown by falling over the goal line on his butt, almost like it was slow motion.

Now I know tomorrow at work we are going to debate if he intended to do this or not, but either way it made for a much more exciting game.  It’s always good to see the losing team be given another chance (unless you’re the winning team).

So by Bradshaw falling, it made it much more exciting!  One of the most original ways to win the last scoring point in a Super Bowl game, but all the same, I would want to make the last scoring point too if I were Ahmad.

Overall, a very close game if not the most exciting.

Hope you enjoyed it too,


More on Bradshaw touchdown:  My wife asked me why didn’t Bradshaw want to make the touchdown.  Well he did, but the coach told him not to because there was 1 minutes still left on the clock.  The smartest play from the team perspective would have been to run the ball to the 1 yard line which would have either caused the Patriots to waste their last timeout, or ate up the majority of the clock.  Then have Brandon Jacobs pound in for a touchdown (at 6′ 4″ and weight around 270, he would be practically unstoppable).  Giving Tom Brady 1 minute to try and win was a bad move from the perspective of the NY Giant’s coaching staff…

Blogging Tip 1 – Comment Strategies

Today I decided to break out of the usually finance related topics and mention a new find that I just realized while trying to post a comment on a site that had the comment box a bit too small.

You see, I ended up writing a comment that was almost as long as the original post (which I rarely do), and I was having a hard time reading it.  As I always do (now anyway), to make sure what I typed made sense.

Comment Tip 1

So after getting frustrated, I noticed that in the lower right hand corner of the comment box there was a bunch of dots in a group.  Well the first thing I did was copy my lengthy comment (see Comment Tip 2 below) so I wouldn’t lose it by trying something I never did before.

So I hovered my mouse of the dots and my mouse changed into a diagonal double-headed arrow.  Such an arrow means that I can resize the comment box (Booyah!).  Since the comment too a long time to write, I opened a blank notepad session and copied my comment text into it, just to make sure (yes I got burned before)!

After resizing the window, it was a simple matter of re-reading my comment to make sure my minor comment masterpiece was golden, then clicking the submit button!

Comment Tip 2

I always press the keys “control-a” to select everything, then type “control-c” to copy everything

Comment Tip 3

Always fill in the link option in the comments settings area.  If you don’t, you’ll losing potential traffic.

Comment Tip 4

Write either an intelligent, witty or enhancing comment to the blog site that you are visiting.  By “enhancing comment” I mean a comment that adds additional information to help the readers.  But not an external link!!!

Comment Tip 5

Don’t embed a link in your comment (if you know how to).  I did this initially when I started because I didn’t realize it was wrong.  Needless to say, a lot of my comments were deleted…  Don’t make this mistake!

I hope you find these commenting tips beneficial!
