About Money Reasons

A offbeat personal finance blogger that comes from the tech world.

Does Prenups Make Sense For The Middle Class?

Pre-nups for the Middle Class?

As a member of the middle class, I use to think that Pren-ups were for those people that were rich or had the ambition and drive to become rich.  You know Kim Kardashian (nice move on her part), Donald Trump and that level of rich

But Kevin at Thousandaire.com makes a great argument that everybody should consider getting a prenuptial agreement!  With the divorce rate lingering around 50%, why not?

Now according to Kevin, the cost would be around $700 for the legal fees for this to be created,  so it’s not cheap!  Most likely, it would be worth it if you are a student studying for a lucrative career, or you already have a high paying career!

Check out Thousandaire’s hilarious video on the topic:



Click on Thousandaire original article called “Should I Get a Prenup? Yes!“.  In addition to the hilarious video (truly a must see), he goes into the logic around the entire prenuptial agreement, and why it make sense for the all of us!

I hope you enjoyed the video, I know I did!  Make sure you stop the video when he’s reading the note that he picks up in the closet.  It made me laugh out loud literally!

Oh and to totally jump tracks on you, check out Betterment review at Darwin’s money.  Interesting article on making investing simple.

Now I’m off to enjoy my weekend!


Roth IRA Discussion Overcoming Fears Part 1

Do you have a Roth IRA, yet?

If not, today I’m going to try to convince you to both open up a Roth IRA and to start contributing to it!

But before I start my discussion, do you meet the following basic requirements?

  1. Did you have earned income this year?
  2. If you are single was your income less than $107,000? or if you are married (and filing jointly, is your income less than $169,000)?  I’m ignoring the income limitations a bit and keeping it simple.  check the irs.gov site for more details if you are interested.
  3. I’m assuming that you work in the US and are an US citizen, if you are not, then the Roth IRA probably doesn’t apply to you (sorry)

Okay, on with the discussion!  The following are concerns from people who I have talked to during various points in time over the past few years.  Just to make this article flow more smoothly, I’m to orchestrate the following in a two person dialogue style, for simplicity.  So it will be me (MR) and my composite friend that I will call V.

MR.:  Why don’t you have a Roth IRA?
V….:   I don’t want to tie up my money in an account that I can’t tap into until I retire.  I might need that money.
MR.:   Actually V, the money you contribute can be taken out at any time without a tax penalty or other government fees.

V….:   What about the waiting 5 years and some type of complex distributions system or waiting until I am 59 1/2 rules?  Why 59 and 1/2 and not 60?
MR.:   I have no idea why 59 1/2, sorry very strange choice in my opinion, but what the rules identify for the 59 1/2 and 5 years and some type of complete distribution system, is on the earnings!  The “earnings” is the amount that your investments equals above the total amount that you deposited into the account (the deposits are called contributions in IRS lingo).

V….:   So you mean to tell me that I can deposit (contribute) the entire $5,000 limit for the year, then a month later pull the entire $5,000 out, let’s say for some type of emergency, and I’m not breaking any rules?
MR.:   Yep and let’s say that you contributed $4,000 for the last three-year for a grant total of $12,000 worth of contributions.  You can take that entire $12,000 without any type of government problems.  Sweat deal if you think about it, and it’s one of the reasons that I use my Roth IRA for a 2nd level Roth IRA emergency fund.  I’ll probably never need it, but it’s nice to know that it’s there.

Do you have a Roth IRA, and are you putting money into this great investment vehicle?




Halloween Is Different This Year For My Kids

Much like the Halloween’s at Everyday Tips and Thoughts, my Halloween were simple but exciting!

My kids are lucky in that Trick-or-Treat is from 6:00pm to 8:00pm on Halloween day in my neighborhood.  Most of the surrounding neighborhoods have it during daylight hours, and on a day that isn’t Halloween.  Is it safer?  Yes, but for a seasoned Halloween-er like myself, it doesn’t have the same feel.  In many ways, I feel that my kids are lucky considering that Halloween in my neighborhood that Norman Rockwell Halloween feel of yesteryear.

3 Halloween Witches

Girl Witches

Then why didn’t my kids go trick-or-treating this year?

My son didn’t get a costume, and  only at the last minute with friends, did he decide to go, but he didn’t even take a bag?!?  So he’s going to come home with any candy.  My daughter (who is only 7 years old), didn’t want to go either!  She stayed home and passed out candy in her Halloween costume.

Confused?  You bet I am!  The group I use to go trick-or-treating with would run to each house to get the goodies!  But not my kids…  There has been times that I have taken my kids to get ice cream after a soccer game for a surprise treat but when we would get there, they would say that they don’t want anything!

Perhaps candy and ice cream has lost it magic with my kids because it’s readily available at home?

This saddens me to a degree, because I had such great times trick-or-treating with my friends as a kid.  Don’t tell my mom, but we would even do a bit of tricking too (heh heh).  My son would never dream of doing any tricks on any of the neighbors.  Where I grew up, the houses weren’t so close together, perhaps it was a bit easier to do tricks when the houses aren’t so close together as they are in my current neighborhood…

And now my attempt to tie this article into a financial one!  Accounting is one area that scares the average small business, but Darwin’s Money wrote a great intro that takes the bite of out the the fear.

Happy Halloween!