Wow, this past week went fast! Okay, so I’m just going to jump into my second comic strip.
The non-colorized version of the strip below was actually my first pilot (or prototype) of my idea of a comic strip addition to this blog… I like the colorized version so much better than I decided to do the rest with color and made this my official 2nd comic strip.
In such a stressful day and time, via the coronavirus problem, I hope a little humor helps take of the edge.
Not to brag, but if you notice in the comic strip below that indirectly I’m criticizing the latte effect (before doing so was so mainstream) if you don’t take other things into perspective that are more damaging to your financial well-being.
To be entirely honest, the latte factor does makes sense, and it’s not exclusive to lattes. I believe David Bach said in a few of his books that it’s not just lattes, but really anything that is preventing you from accomplishing your wealth goals. The latte factor applies to anything that you don’t need that derails your efforst in wealth accumulation (cigarettes, booze, expensive cars leased ever year, etc).

I wonder if I should recreate this comic strip series again… I did enjoy it!