Yesterday, we finally got our tree. We held out for snow as long as we possible could, but it just didn’t happen.

Old tyme Christmas tree
The tree is small but nice, it’s a Frazier fir… It cost $54 (ouch)… The hot chocolate and cookied cost another $5.50. So after all was said and done, it almost cost me $60 for our Christmas Tradition this year.
Yes, $60 is expesive for a tree, especially considering we have an artificial tree down in the basement. But it makes the kids (and me) happy.
I was proud of my son! I injured my back a week ago so my son ended up pulling my daughter around in the plastic sled while looking for the perfect tree. He did a great job! And he even tried to cut down the tree (he only got half way through before I took over). Next year, I told him I’d let him cut down the tree all by himself.
This year was different than past years, the area on the tree farm we normally go for trees was mostly depleted, so they were taking groups over to a different part of the farm in a hayride wagons pulled by tractors. It was fun, but cold.
After we cut down our tree, and rode the hayride wagon back to the main farm, I tied down the tree on the car rack. My family went in and bought hot chocolate and cookies. Next, they sat in rocking chairs by the cast iron stove, listened to the christmas music, and finished off the cookies and hot chocolate.
Next, we all went back to the car, turned on the Christmas music and drove home.
Another thing different this year was that the kids played their Nintendo DSs all the way home. I think next year, the DSs will have to stay at home. We might take our dog next year too.
Overall, it was another great experience, even if there wasn’t any snow…