Dividend Stocks, Free Lunch Experiment #11

I haven’t followed my Dividend Stocks Experiment for the past few months, and I have to admit, it was a mistake not doing so.

Dividend Experiment

Dividend Experiment Update

My last post on this topic was in May, and instead of using the money to buy lunches at work, I instead  planned on buying food and making it at home once a week for the family.  This however, fell through since I underestimated how busy my family is.  So I decided to channel the money back into free lunches for work.

As I prepared the spreadsheet information below, I notice that the dividend for ANH went up (yay), but unfortunately the dividend for CIM went down…  Now the weekly amount I have for spending on lunches is only $13.64.  While not a bad amount, I would have preferred that it continue to go up.  I may have to re-examine the CIM stock and the inclusion of it in my portfolio.

And the the good news!  I have saved another $1000 for another purchase by eating below my previous level.  For my next update, I’ll identify the new (or old) stock that I decided to purchase for the experiment.


Dividend Stock’s Lunch Experiment
Stock Name Anworth EV Energy Chimera
Stock Ticket ANH EVEP CIM
# of Shares 260 45 600
Orig. Price $7.84 $23.25 $4.01
Curr. Price $7.11 $64.21 $3.00
Orig Cost $2,038.14 $1,046.25 $2,404.80
Curr Value $1,848.60 $2,889.45 $1,800.00
Annual Yield 14.06% 4.74% 17.33%
Act. Div/Qtr $65.00 $34.25 $78.00
Total Dividends $708.98
52 weeks 52
Dividend / week $13.63
Total Gain in
Stock Apprec. $1,048.86
% Change 19.11%
Amt Loaned to myself: $0
Amt paid back to date: $0
Amt Still Owned: $0
Cumulativie Stock Value: $6,538.05
Dividend Payout / Yr.: $708.98
Dividend Payout / Qtr: $177.25
Dividend Payout / Wk. $13.63


Hopefully next month will be better!


8 thoughts on “Dividend Stocks, Free Lunch Experiment #11

  1. Those mortgage REITs make me salivate! Once I build up my dividend portfolio with more blue chips, I’ll diversify into more REIT.
    Excellent dividend payout!

    • It’s fun playing with money that’s not hard earned. I think of this money as money that would have been spend on lunches, so it kind of like free money.

      I hope the reits don’t have much downside risk 🙂

    • I think so, they stock has dropped a lot in value, initially they payout wasn’t so high. I don’t think I would invest in any of the stock above (except EVEP) is the money really counted for me.

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