Enjoy Time With Your Kids

Do you take advantage of situations to enjoy time with your kids?

Father and Son

Hanging with my Son

Every Tuesday, my daughter has gymnastic classes, where my wife picks up my daughter right when school lets out and drives her to a different city for her class.  While my wife is going through this routine, my son rides the bus home, while I race from work to beat him to the house.

Once my son arrives home, we originally would wait until my wife called to determine what to do about dinner.  My daughter’s class would not let out until 6:30pm.  So, during the 2 1/2 hour that my son and I would be at home alone together, he would do his homework.  If he didn’t have any homework, he would veg out watching TV, or occasionally we would play video games (this is of course cool too).  This was our routine for a few weeks…

In the past, I would enjoy time with my kids by taking them out for special occasions.  For example, my daughter and I would occasionally have a Daddy and Daughter Day

Then recently, it hit me as I thought to myself: “Why am I letting this alone time with my son go to waste?“.  So last week, we went up to Toys-r-us to check out bikes, then we went out to eat at a Chinese restaurant.

Ironically, earlier I had decided to create a spending budget where I would make sure I spend money on things for myself.  While I missed my goal a little bit with this activity (since it’s for my son too) it’s close enough to my initial goal.  Plus, it will enable us to bond more closely and do some cool things in the process!

Some of my favorite memories of my grandfather were the times when only he and I would go to some of his “Greasy Spoon” restaurants (as my grandmother would call them), and just talk and hang out.   Back then, I was my son’s age (or perhaps a year younger), and I still fondly remember those times together.

So anyhow, I determined that this will be a great way to enjoy time with my son… at least until something disrupts this pattern.

So what did we do today?

Since last week we went to my favorite Chinese restaurant, I let my son choose the restaurant.  The restaurant he picked: “Steak and Shake”, is a cool hamburger joint that’s actually tries to look like one of those “Greasy Spoon” type places that my grandfather would take me to.  How’s that for an irony?

After our quick meal, I know we still had time to burn, so we went to Best Buy, but just to see what is new and exciting…  While there we looked at Apple iPhones, android phone, Apple iPad, laptops, TVs and of course Nintendo DS games.  The 3D TVs were much cooler than either of us expected.  We also learned that the 3D TV can be switch to a 2D mode (I think they called it that) so the TV was just like any regular HDTV.  The iPads were very cool, much lighter than I imagined!

All in all we had a great time, and it was a great “Enjoy Time with your Kids” moment!

If you have kids, do you slice out time to “Enjoy Time With Your Kids” too?  We had a great day and will be doing similar activities every Tuesday from now on…


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24 thoughts on “Enjoy Time With Your Kids

  1. Generally I drag the kids grocery shopping with me, but we don’t go window shopping. Usually my activities focus around entertainment like bowling or swimming together.

    Lately, though I’ve done less of that because my little one has been sick and I don’t want him to spread his germs around to these places for the sake of other parents.

    I love that you realized this. I try to keep my computer off from 5:30-8 which is the weekday time I have with my kids. Snuggling on the couch is sometimes all we need, especially since we’ve been under the weather.

    • What a great system!

      I think it’s easy to think that you will do such a task, but if you schedule such a time, it’s more real and we are more inclined to abide by that schedule.

      My wife gets to do the bowling and swimming with the kids while I’m at work (at least in summer).

  2. I know it’s a trite comment, but thanks for posting this. I’ve had a $50 Best Buy gift card on my nightstand since Christmas. This Friday will be a good time to take off early and take the boys shopping, each with a $25 boost to get whatever they want (they’ll have to kick in the rest out of their own money), and then some ice cream at Braum’s.

    • What a great suprise for them! 🙂

      I wish I had thought of that, I have some best buy cards at home sitting in a drawer too…

      I’m getting kind of antsy for a new TV though. I’ll probably use them for that purchase.

      I do plan on taking my son to play laser tag though during one of our times together! He’ll love that surprise 🙂

  3. Sunday is “Mommy and me” time. That’s when DH divulges in his hobby du jour. (Which, sadly, is currently going into the office and doing work.) The rest of the week we do stuff as a group of 3, except Monday nights when I teach late and that’s “Daddy and kid” time.

    • Sounds like a great system too!

      It’s a small juggle with our kids since it seems like the weekdays (and weekends too, for that matter) are filled with some kind of sports/music or other activity.

      Enjoy you slower times before you child get into everything too. I miss the younger days, and my wife does too…

  4. Being new parents that’s one advice we get – once they grow older, you’ll miss this time!

    Thanks for the reminder!

  5. So true! My favorite times were sitting and talking with my kids. My son and I might go to a place for lunch and talk for hours. My daughter and I spent time together talking about various things. Spending time when they are young provides opportunities to share your principles and values. As they grow up they will be more responsive to what you say. As adults (37 &33), you can have a good relationship which I personally enjoy.

    • I can see what you are talking about! It would be great to establish a relationship with my kids early so it would be easier when they are adults.

  6. My son is only 3 months but some of my fondest (yet fleeting moments) is just rocking him back to sleep…makes everything seem so unimportant lol

  7. My son and I will go out Saturday mornings some times but I wish I could spend more time with him. He just turned 3 and he is a fire cracker. He has a hard time sitting still in restaurants so going to the park is best. I haven’t taken him fishing yet, but I would love too. Nice post!

  8. I always try to make the most of the time I have with the kiddos. My son has been home sick all week, and we have had the best time! (Today we grabbed lunch together after his dr. appt and then watched LA Confidential.) I also love the long drive homes with my kids after a sporting event. A lot of the time it is just me an done child on these drives, and it is a great time to talk.

    One of the best things we have been doing the past few years is talking before bed. No TV or anything, we all just kind of congregate in my room, and the five of us just talk and laugh.

    Kids are the best!

    • I swear, my son has me come into his room 15 to 30 minutes before he need to go to sleep, and we just talk too. He’s been sleeping on the top bunkbed, so I’ll lay on the bottom one and we’ll just talk about whatever comes to mind.

  9. I thought this post was sweet when I saw it, saddly i don’t have any kids. But I have an adorable nephew I doute and spend time with every chance I get. I totally spoil me.

    • You sound like a great aunt!

      Kids are fun, even if they aren’t your own. I have a ball with my sister’s little girl too 🙂

  10. This was a great post! My dad used to take me fishing for our time together. On the weekends, we’d all (my dad, mom, sister, and I) would all pile into the truck and take the boat to the lake. However, the times I really remember the most are the quick trips that were just me and my dad.

    Thank you for the trip down memory lane. You sound like a really great daddy. 🙂

    • I’m glad you liked it. As I was typing it, it brought back fond memories of my grandfather!

      I try to be a great dad, but I’ve learned that being a great dad doesn’t mean being a push over (this I learned recently). Still, I do have a great time with my kids!

  11. I ended up leaving a job that I really enjoyed after our daughter was born simply because the demands were a bit much (travel, weekends, longer hours).

    Now I work 5 minutes away from home and I come home for lunch every day and leave work by 4:30pm. I really enjoy the extra time spent with my wife and daughter (she’s 22 months).

    My “rule” is that when I get home from work I put the blackberry away and just spend and hour playing with my daughter or taking her for a walk. It helps my wife out, who has been looking after her all day, and my daughter really looks forward to her “daddy time” too.

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