Funny Money – Comic 2

Previous: Funny Money – First Comic
Comic 3 – MR PF Gets Scared

Well, I’ve evolved the strip a bit.

The introduction of Mr. Penny (who’s hair might turn a flaming yellow/orange color in the future would represent that he spends like a wildfire, or spends like there is no tomorrow) was a name that both my daughter and I thought of.  I liked the name because it reminds me of the sayings “he doesn’t have a penny to his name” (lol), and “it will cost a pretty penny

MR (the representation of me) is still just a dot, and I many keep it that way, or I may grow MR as the site grows.

Hope you got a chuckle out of it!


18 thoughts on “Funny Money – Comic 2

  1. Great. Even if Mr. Penny weren’t a 2 face spendthrift, I find myself doing the same thing. I’ll spend money on some things, but think that other expenditures are wasteful.

    Your Latte is like my eating out or hair coloring.

    • My friend who is motivation of Mr. Penny is exactly like the comic above. He is bright, just doesn’t see his financial sins which are very large, but he managed to judge me on my frugal sins, which are very, very small in comparision.

    • Hehe, I’m think of keeping MR as a point of focus, or a voice of reasons…

      I’ll develop more characters as time goes on. I’m still starting out slowly 🙂

      I’m also learning how to use GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)… It’s interesting!

  2. Thanks 🙂

    Yeah, I thought the Rosie from the Jetson looked pretty funny when I was looking for a vacuuming robot (and easy to draw!).

    I’ll admit, I haven’t really tried to draw in years! So it was fun, but more work than I remembered when I would draw all the time.

    Thanks for stopping by and tell me what you thought! I’m still on the fence about drawing it, so your opinion helps! 🙂

    • My daughter is a firecracker!

      She’s authored about 20+ books (printer paper cut and stapled together to form about 6 page).

      She’s now expanded to comic strips (before I started mine…)

      Someday, I’m sure she’ll be a blogger too…

      Thanks for the encouragement!

  3. Very nice MR. I also noticed your robot resembled Rosie!

    There are so many people out there that act like your flame-haired friend. I guess that is why the phrase ‘the pot calling the kettle black’ was coined.

    My only complaint is I want MR to be a little bigger! Maybe give him a smile? 🙂

    • Thanks 🙂

      Hehe, I’m think about letting MR grow as the site grows… Although I do like MR being a single point (or voice).

  4. Pingback: Raising Kids To Be Entrepreneurs | Money Reasons

  5. Pingback: MR PF Gets Scared | Money Reasons

  6. Pingback: Funny Money – First Comic | Money Reasons

  7. Pingback: Funny Money comic strip – Color versus Black & White – What say you? | Money Reasons

  8. Pingback: Getting that Debt Monkey Off Of Your Back | Money Reasons

    • Plus, I had a great time drawing it 🙂

      I’ve always wanted to do a comic strip when I was 6… Now I have my chance (only on Saturdays though, although I’m thinking about switching it to Sundays… hmmm, then it would be the Sunday Comics (lol)

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