Knowing When To Try Something New

Life is too short to life in a stalled state.

These past few month, I’m really starting to examine everything that I do and all the plans that I currently have.  I’m finding that I’m unnaturally holding some things that shouldn’t be.  This doesn’t bode well for me or those involved and makes for an artificial environment that should not be.

So this got me thinking, how does one know when it’s time to try something new or different?  After all, trying something new is risky and you can gain the world or lose it all, or stay stagnant in the muck?  So here is what has been spinning in my head lately:

  1. Do you like where you live?  Is this where you want to retire to some day?  When you are older, you might not have the chance to move…
  2. Do you wake up excited to live life or are you just waiting for the day to end so you can start another day that you hate tomorrow?
  3. Have weekends become less enjoyable than the middle of the week?
  4. Is time at work now more enjoyable than other times?
  5. Do you look from the outside and think that you are lucky to be you, or can it be better?
  6. Are you doing activities that make you happy?
  7. Are you waiting for something magically to happy or people to become something that they are not and will never become?
  8. Are you putting all your eggs in the idea of retirement nirvana in the future, thinking somehow it will magically be better too?

If you paint your current picture based on those questions above, perhaps the picture looks a lot different from you thought it looked like?  Perhaps it’s time to get a new canvas?

Just thinking out lout today…




12 thoughts on “Knowing When To Try Something New

  1. All good thoughts. I think it’s important to always be striving and working towards something, but not out of unhappiness or discontent. I think if it comes to a point when we’re just spinning our wheels, we need to switch directions.

    • Good advice. If a tree or bolder block you on one path, go use another path. Simple but it’s amazing how many people try to remove the obstacle instead of finding another way to do it.

  2. Great questions MR. I’ll answer them to help my thought process.
    1. Do you like where you live?
    >>I like where we live a lot. If money is no object, I would like to keep this place as a summer home and have another place in a warmer local.

    2. Do you wake up excited?
    >>Not exited at all. 🙁

    3. I love the weekends. It is 1000% times better >>than the weekdays. 😉

    5. Do you look from the outside and think that you are lucky to be you, or can it be better?
    >>This is a great question. I don’t know the answer…

    6. Are you doing activities that make you happy?
    >>Somewhat. Spend time with kid. Things will be more fun in the summer.

    7. Are you waiting for something magically to happy or people to become something that they are not and will never become?
    >>no. I’m pretty happy with my personal life at this point or at least I accepted it.

    8. Are you putting all your eggs in the idea of retirement nirvana in the future, thinking somehow it will magically be better too?
    >>Somewhat. I’m thinking all my problems will be gone when I become a Stay at home dad. This is not true. My shoulders and back will get a bit better, but I don’t know if they will ever get back to feeling normal. Baby also takes a lot of work and it’s not easy either…

    • Sounds like overall you are doing pretty decently. Other than #2 (Buffett said he’s excited to get up and go to work each morning), you are doing decently 🙂

      I, on the other hand have grown stale… But I’m working on fixing that 🙂

  3. Well based on these questions, it might be time for me to try something new. That’s a lot easier said than done though, especially when you don’t know what would make you happier.

  4. The only one that made me pause to think about making a change was liking where I live. I actually love where I live right now, but I want to retire to the Pacific Northwest…should I make the move or wait…hmmm… For me, it’s a definite wait, but I look forward to retirement!

    • While I don’t hate where I live, it’s not my top choice either. I think what I would really like to do is travel more. It’s hard with kids though. I need to do some serious thinking on that one.

    • yes, personally I’ve been coming out of my shell ever since I started blogging. I’m taking baby steps, but I think it helps me grow as an individual.

  5. When your bike wheels are in a rut, good chance you’ll fall over. By all means let’s try something new. Good questions… No, weekends are much better than going to work, although work has remained interesting and challenging enough. I suppose I should count myself lucky.

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