I’ve been sick for quite a while, but I would like to share a small discovery that I’ve made about blogging.
Blogging is an “All or Nothing” activity for me! I find that keeping a consistent blogging schedule is harder now that I’m “supposedly” only blogging twice a week versus when I would blog each and every day. This is kind of surprising for me, as I thought I would instead create more creative articles to post on this site, but instead I’ve found that other things has taking my time up instead.
Such distractions include the following:
- Spending more time with my kids! Of all the options, this has been the most rewarding distraction. I consider this to be the one distraction that I would stop blogging for permanently.
- Stock Market theories and experimentation has also grown to take some more of my blogging time. I feel like I’m going thru a learning phase and if I concentrate hard and long enough, that I can beat the averages by a wide margin. While this hasn’t happened in my regular brokerage account, I’ve has some decent success in my Roth IRA account (see Roth IRA 50 % Return). Of all the options, I’m finding I’m concentrating the most in the investments area.
- Fighting Vertigo. While I don’t get dizzy like I did this past summer, I still have some effects left over from when I had Vertigo. Once such effect is a pounding headache when I try to think too long.
The above are the main activities that have replace my blogging time and has made it harder from me to accomplish my blogging goals.
I think once I defeat (or learn to deal with the Vertigo), I’ll obviously use all of that time to plow back into blogging and other online activities.