Wake Up Financial Neo

At one time, I thought those few that were rich would always be rich, and those many that were middle class would always be destined for the middle class.

Then I read a book called “The Millionaire Next Door“, (hey, this link took me to what looks like a free online ebook!  How cool is that!) to simplify and paraphrase it, the books pretty much said no “Money Reasons”, you are wrong!  You can still become financially independent if you live a frugal life, stay out of debt, invest your money and use your common sense….  You too could potential be rich or at least financially independent someday!

Much like Neo in “The Matrix“, you have to believe that you are the one, and fake it until you are the one.  Then at some point, much like the turning point in “The Matrix”…  You are the one!

One of the more important point within the movie is that without other people, Neo would still be chained to his bleak 9 to 5 job, working away getting nowhere!  This is analogous to getting a human support structure that positively give you encouragement, or even advice on how you can succeed and live better!

Half the battle is believing in yourself!  Next is taking action and making supportive friends to help you and enable you to enjoy life!  Friends can make things happen for you, and if you believe in yourself, you can make things happen for yourself!

So wake up financial Neo, start believing you are the one!  The one who will make you financially independent and possible rich!