Health Journal Version .01

The same problems that plagued my progress on my health journal last week, also slowed me this week.  I’m putting in over 12 hours at work trying to fix a problem.  Like I said last week, normally such events would make me reverse course, but I’m sticking to my health journal goal!

Instead I did as much as I could, given the time that I’m able to do what I can…  So I decided to eat a little healthier and more cheaply.  The oatmeal bowls  in the chart below had fruit pieces in then and they were free!  So it was both healthy and cheap!

I started a crude journal (hoping to improve it during the upcoming weeks), that will serve as a starting point for tracking my fitness/health goals and saving money while doing it.  Another great option would be Weight Watchers Online, I’m sure they have a journal as part of their program!

Health Journal:

02/07/11 B 2.01 Eggs,Bacon
L 2.00 McDouble
D 0.00 Leftover – Hibachi
02/08/11 B 0.00 Free Oatmeal – McDonalds coupon
L 2.00 Side Salad,1 McDouble
D 0.00 Leftover – Hibachi
E 10 minutes pushup, situp, leg bends
02/09/11 B 0.00 Free Oatmeal – McDonalds coupon
L 2.00 Side Salad,1 McDouble
D 0.00 Leftover – Hibachi
02/10/11 B 5.00 Sausage English Muffin/ Latte
L 5.00 McChicken (Wendy’s)
D 1.00 Lasagna (not sure of cost so I’ll make it $1)

Sometimes life does knocks you off course, but you have the option to try to get back to the planned path that you are supposed to be on, instead of letting life’s circumstances dictate where you go…

So here you have my “not quite ready for prime time” health journal.


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Healthy Life Journal, A Slow Start

I had planned on starting my weight loss journal,( now call Healthy Life Journal) on Feb. 1…  But the ice storm kept me at home these past few days, with my car frozen shut (this is a first for me, very funny).  Luckily I was able to get a few things before the storm hit, so I have started the diet (sort of).

So far, the items I bought to start the diet for the journal are as follows:

  • eggs (the perfect source of protein)
  • cheese strips
  • pepper jack cheese slices
  • cottage cheese

I’ve been eating the cheese at lunch, but the other meals I have been eating regular food around the house.  So while this isn’t effective from a weight-loss standpoint, it’s still a start.

I’ve only exercised 1 day, keeping it simple 10 pushups, 10 situps and 10 leg bends?  And of course breaking my back trying to break up the ice in my driveway and on my car!

In previous years, I would have become discouraged from the weather and thought it must not be meant to be, or my luck was bad…  Either way, I would give up on the effort, but not this year! 

I now believe that you have to keep plowing through the barriers and bottlenecks encountered along the way!  So while I’m a little bummed, I realize that there is no master scheme to have me stop, things just happen, and my success on my little programs depend on me pushing through the muck!

 Have a great weekend, hopefully I’ll have more next Friday!!!