Spending More Money For a Better Life, Part 2 of 2

I thought about this for about a week, and I finally decided on how much more I’m going to spend on myself!

DRUMROLL….  I’ve decided to increase the amount that I’m going to spend by $100 dollars a month.  Yep, I’m living large, (lol)…

So why only $100? Because I already get a certain allocation per month, and I think $100 extra a month would be just enough to enjoy my life a bit more.   I know, $100 doeesn’t seem like much, and it’s not…  but it should be just enough to make a difference for me.

In the summer, most likely I’ll be spending $200 extra a month.  This is okay because during the winter months I plan to scale back down my extra spending to $50 a month.  with just a bit of work, I can make it so that the average amount that I will spend will still be $100 extra a month.

The following is a list of activities I plan on using the extra money for:

  • Golfing with my family
  • an occassional drink out with friends a few times a month.
  • eating out at least 1 extra time a month.
  • activities with my kids, maybe put-put golf, or laser tag.

The earlier post in this series was called Spending More Money For a Better Life.

This might seem like a small change, but I’m looking forward to it!  It truly is about balance, and this will help me right the inbalance that I have been experiencing!