Can we beat Coronavirus by Phase Reducing the viral spread?

Okay, this is an approach that I have not heard before, but what if we take a “Phase Reducing” approach to reduce the coronavirus spread? I like to call it “Phase Diminishing” the spread.

You are probably thinking… “What the hell is Phase Reducing the coronavirus?”

Concept of Phase Reducing – All US locations (or anywhere in the world), get a voluntary group of the population (ideally the most healthy), isolate them in hotels, large gyms or large isolated fully functional buildings (hell, even malls), intelligently infect this voluntary group all at once simultaneously across the entire country. Then provide and monitor this group with medicine and healthcare workers to treat them when needed to minimize fatalities. As the group recovers and the virus aren’t detected via testing, release them and send them back to work. Repeat, doing the same with the next phase of volunteers.

Exceptions to the Phase Dimishing idea

For the most “in risk” groups (people with preexisting issues, and the elderly), don’t even try the phase reducing process, it’s too risky to try, instead wait for better medical medicines or vaccines or hope the virus fizzles out. There are flaws with this approach, like uniformity, training and the like, but it’s better than nothing and we don’t go into a deep recession or depression.

Another issue might be the scale of the process, this might be easier to implement in smaller communities versus huge cities like New York City. Still, even at a smaller level, there might be value in this process because these smaller locations will become strong virus-resistant areas that could prevent spread elsewhere. Kind of like gaps that the virus can’t spread through easily if at all.

Peace and take care,
