10 Ways To Improve Your Chances To Become Rich

Honestly, Are you trying to become rich?

I’ll admit there is more that I could do to try to breach the point where my passive income exceeds my expenses, but I choose not to.

Although I’m frugal, I’m quite sure that I could run an even tighter financial ship! 

Below is a quick list of ways that I could improve my chances to become rich:

  • I could use budgets and do extreme couponing to whittle my consumption expenses down much lower! 
  • I could try to get more free stuff via giveaways online.  Free stuff is great and believe it or not, it’s out there with some work.
  • I could create a budget to identify where my weaknesses are and plan to fix them accordingly!
  • I could get another job by working during a second shift period.  This would have a huge impact on my savings game since my first job covers all of my living expenses.  This means I could pocket almost all of my earnings from the second job.
  • I could try to expand my hobby activities into other forms of social media.  This could practically double my hobby income.
  • I could create a goals spreadsheet to track my saving goals and keep me on track…  This is more important than it sounds!  Feedback is a great thing!
  • I could create an investing goal to track my investments performance.  This could help determine if I should start investing more into index ETFs etc…
  • I could borrow tools/things from family, neighbors and friends more.  Why buy a sidewalk edger when I only use it once a year?
  • I could do a better job of reducing my taxes, a Roth IRA is a great vehicle to reduce taxes on dividends from stocks, etc.
  • I could do a better job of reducing my gas expenses, treat driving as a real expense instead of just ignoring it.

There are plenty other ways that I could improve my chances of becoming rich some day.  Surprisingly, I now realize that I”m only putting  in about half the effort that I should be putting into getting rich…


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