Are We Too Proud To Become Rich?

Why Aren’t We Wealthier?

I think part of the reason is because we are too proud to do work that we consider beneath us or we are trained to believe that we aren’t able t0!  This is especially true of kids from the working and middle classes.

Coming from a middle class background, even going to McDonald’s was a luxury that I didn’t experience often.  This is in contrast to my kids who actually stick their noses up at McDonald’s.  They prefer sit down restaurants like Red Lobster or Olive Garden.  While these restaurant are really cookie-cutter chains and just a small step above McDonald’s, it was big luxury to me growing up.  In fact, I didn’t go to either restaurant chain until I was in college on a date.

But even with the advantages that my kids have today with respect to their upbringing, are they doomed to live paycheck to paycheck, never developing any great wealth?

Why I ask this is because they are constantly bombarded with messages from the media (TV, movies and songs) that make fun of jobs like McDonald’s or similar types of jobs.  But doesn’t it make more sense to make your mistakes at a McDonalds than at a Fortune 500 company?

The media makes it seem like you’re a loser if you have a job working at McDonald’s!  TV movies and shows glamorize the lottery winners, or the ones that get inheritances, or worse yet those that get rich by theft.

In real life it’s different!  Sam at started out working at McDonald’s.  He learned at an early age what a tough job is was.  He also learned how to get along with people (both other employees and customers) and how a team makes it all work.  Perhaps in some small way, this is one of the reasons that he is so successful today?

Warren Buffett is another example!  He wasn’t to proud to work hard selling gum and by having a paper route before he was 18.  There was no shame!  I think it’s good to know what it’s like to work for a living!  There is value in start out small, while soaking in the entire business system and processes.  If you can see behind that basic work task, it can be a great learning experience!  No matter what they say on TV

What do you think, does TV hurts people’s work ethic?


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