The Power Of Spousal Teamwork

I was reading an article called “Our Stock Portfolio” over at “Budgeting in the Fun Stuff“‘s site that she and her husband built.  While her husband mainly does the investing, I can tell that she’s proud of him and supportive. 

It’s a solid portfolio of great dividend stocks that they have built during “The Great Recession” while prices were at a low.  While the most people were stuffing the proverbial mattress during that hard time, this couple was brave enough to practice what Mr. Warren Buffett always preaches “Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful” by buying when the prices were bargains!

I was impressed by the pride I could hear in her words about their efforts!  Looking at their portfolio, it appears very solid and prudent!

Now lets talk about Crystal’s activities blogging.  I’ve never seen a blogger increase the success of their blog as quickly as she has.  The last time I checked, her blog had an Alexa score beneath 40,000! 

What’s really impressive about this is that her site isn’t even a year old yet.  Not only does Crystal have 3 blogs, she’s also a staff writer at, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  She’s a guest blogger at so many sites that you’d almost think that she cloned herself and has a team of writers!

The thing is that this type of productivity is surely supported by her spouse!  I’m betting that her husband is just as impressed as I am and continually verbally supporting her in her efforts!

Success in life is much easier when you have a caring and supportive spouse!  Although I’ve never met Crystal and her husband, I’m sure they are an incredible couple!


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29 thoughts on “The Power Of Spousal Teamwork

  1. Crystal is a blogging machine from the future. 🙂
    Your partner is an extremely important part of personal finance. The Mrs. edit my blog post and is socking away the max 401k contribution every year. She is a huge help.

  2. I totally agree that you have to work as a team to be successful in personal finance. One person can’t be doing all the work and certainly if one spouse is derailing the other’s efforts, it’s a disaster. I know there’s a statistic out there that talks about how the most divorces out there happen because of money issues. I totally believe it.

    You may have just inspired my next post.

    • Based on reading previous articles on your site, you too would have been a great example of spousal teamwork. Especially the way you and your husband tackle renovating home projects!

      Good add about the money issues point. I look forward to reading your post. 🙂

  3. Pingback: Babci’s Favorite Sayings on Marriage First Gen American First Gen

  4. The amount of assistance a great partnership gives to your efforts can’t be under-estimated. Just as the amount of damage when you are continually undermined is unmeasurable.

    Go Crystal, and I love the investing when the market is down. Great job!

    • I think that BFS and her husband have a great supportive relationship. He is great about her blogging and she is very supportive of his reffing and such. Without supporting each other, they would be cheating the other person of both making money, and having happiness. They both obviously enjoy their ‘hobbies’, and it would be selfish to not support the other. However, not everyone is so mature.

      If my husband and I were not on the same page about finances, we would fight like cats and dogs and the kids would suffer. It would all be bad.

      Great post MR

      • Thank you Kris!

        I will say that my husband fell into a supportive roll so much easier than me. It has been hard for me to learn to support all aspects of his life, including reffing, since it means he is gone so much. Yet, I’m usually in my blogging world for 3-5 hours a day at home and he is 100% supportive all of the time. I am too lucky.

        I just wanted you to know, Kris, that I hope my husband and I are as great together in 15 years as you and your hubby are. Your relationship inspires me to be better. 🙂

      • Thanks!

        I’ve read a few references about money conflict (usually a spender vs a saver) in a household and the problems that stem out from that. But I believe if you have one spouse that isn’t supportive, it can affect your chances of success tremendously.

        Perhaps this is what keep many couples from succeeding in life?…

  5. Awwww! MR!!! You are awesome! I’m tearing up. I needed a pick me up and this is just too sweet!!!

    I really am soooooo proud of my husband. He is an amazing man and a fantastic partner. Our stock portfolio is definitely his realm (I budget, lol, he invests). We talk about everything and support each other as much as possible. We’ve even learned to argue contructively after 9 years together (and yes, it did take al 9 of those years to figure that out, lol)…I am a very lucky woman.

    With blogging, I’m just an addict. I love it, which probably is why everyone sees me all over the place. It’s just fun!

    I should probably mention that I’m a staff writer at My Retirement Blog too now so Tight Fister Miser (its owner) doesn’t feel left out, lol. Sweating the Big Stuff gets complete credit for taking the plunge and hiring a 5 month old blogger first though. 🙂

    Again, thank you so much! I bet you and your wife are an incredible couple too!!!

    • Your article “Our Stock Portfolio” and other posts at your site just perfectly demonstrated couples that encourage each other, so I figure I’m make your story and site a key element of my post!

      I love blogging, but honestly I can’t wait to see where you are at in 1 year from now. You are doing fantastic (almost superhuman like).


      • “I can’t wait to see where you are at in 1 year from now.” Me either, lol. It’s amazing how fast something can grow when you put so much into it! Thanks for being a very supportive blogging buddy! I can’t do this without you all!

        • np, actually people like you and all of the people that posted comments on this blog (and others), make the blogging experience a very enjoyable process for me!

          Here’s to a great 2011 year!!!

    • Based on the results of a few pf bloggers that I know of like Crystal, it seems to be a pretty good system.

      I know in college, I would always do better on projects when I was on a supportive team of friends.

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  7. I so agree. A supportive spouse is definitely a must. It’s sometimes easy to unintentionally take your significant other for granted, yet so much of your happiness can depend on them (directly and indirectly). It’s always nice to see an example of this working well.

  8. Pingback: Retire By 40: Investment Fundamental #1 - Your Partner

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