Thoughts on Other Bloggers and Blogging

My Initial Belief:

Where I started blogging, I wasn’t entirely sure in what company I was going to mingle with.  After all, we see a lot of phishing and identity theft running ramped on the internet.  I assumed that the blogging community might be composed of charlatans and con artists too.   So I approached blogging with an extreme air of caution.  I didn’t socialize, and I didn’t even set up my site for RSS initially.  To me, I felt like I was a sole beacon of light alone in the dark!  I was wrong…

Reality Of Blogging:

In the past I read blogs like “Frugal Dad” and “The Simple Dollar” and they seemed great, but I thought they were the exceptions to the rules.  I limited my exposure to those two blogs (and occasionally “Growing Rich Slowly”) and went through the blogging world with tunnel vision.  But then I started noticing the comments from the “Financial Samurai”, and I started reading his blog too.  Shortly thereafter, the “Financial Samurai” become the first blog that I read every day.  Now I read many other blogs because I’ve discovered that each one is unique in their own way.

I see other bloggers as just people like me trying to get their story out to benefit society and you, the reader.  We come from different backgrounds, but we have made many similar and different discoveries throughout our life that we want to share.

Blogging as been a big positive in my life and I’m proud to call myself a blogger…

Normally, I would have a list of links this week, but I’m already late for a Dad and Daughter Day, that should have begun 30 minutes ago.

Hope you had a great week,


My daughter wants this put up too:

Daughter’s Halloween Painting

18 thoughts on “Thoughts on Other Bloggers and Blogging

  1. I never thought I would ever call myself a writer, but I have become one. Blogging is my addiction of choice.

    Enjoy your time with your children, they grow up very fast.

  2. My early steps with blogging are similar to yours. The fear has faded as I began to know what a wonderful community bloggers are. It’s a true sense of community since we connect & interact in positive ways. May it ever be so!

    As Krantcents says, it’s my addiction of choice as well.

  3. I was cautious, too. I think you hit on a common theme. Blogging has been a very positive experience for me and the community has been a very pleasant surprise. Nice to deal with like minded folks, but also interesting taking in their different experiences and points of view. Your daughter is quite the artist! Way to balance your online and offline life.

    • Thanks! It’s good to hear that I’m not alone in my initial behavior 🙂

      Thanks, my daughter is a trip! She is a continuous state of creation…

      Good advice on the balance!!!

  4. I didn’t really know what to expect before I started blogging. It definitely feels good reaching out, esp to Yakezie Members and helping support each other. BTW I love that drawing your daughter did! Can’t believe Halloween is coming. A lot of the pumpkins are still green here! -Sydney

  5. I agree, everyone has a unique voice. It is nice to learn about people through their blog. Interesting, but valuable. You learn a lot about yourself in the process. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I love the blogs with the personal touch of their situation (i.e. which is why I get behind your dividend lunch series)….I can’t stand the blogs you talked about except FS because I feel like there is no more emotion there, just standard how do I save 35 cent posts.

    • I use to eat them up, but Sam’s is different!

      Sam’s is the thinking person’s blog. Unique and very brilliant! If he’s not up with the other big bloggers, he soon will be!

  7. Thanks Don for the mention! I enjoy your blog just as much and I like the personal touch of your kids. Def use that picture! It’s like art!

    You will realize not all is what it seems. A lot of big blogs have become machines and are not owned and operates by the founder anymore, even if that’s the portrayal.


  8. Blogging full time has its rough days. It takes a lot of work and effort to really get good. I look at the blogs you mentioned above and wonder how they started and what they wrote about. Years ago when those guys started, how well could they write? Its a skill that takes a lot of time. For me its hard to articulate what I am thinking, but over the past few months I think I am getting better at it.

    And yes I cannot believe Halloween is almost a month away! Where did summer go? Well, it never came here in WA.

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